G.T. Watson

G.T. Watson Chiropody Clinic

Chiropody and Podiatry tailored to your needs

Tamworth, Polesworth, Whittington & Lichfield

Meet the team

Our Chiropody practice is conveniently located near the centre of Tamworth. The well established clinic is a private practice and has been owned and operated by Gordon Watson and Lisa Scott-Watson for over 30 years. The practice aims to provide the highest quality foot care at competitive prices in comfortable and professional surroundings.
Gordon Watson
Gordon Watson
Owner • Chiropodist
BSc (Hons), F.S.S.Ch.,M.B.Ch.A
Lisa Watson
Lisa Watson
Owner • Foot care specialist


Routine treatment • £34.00
Routine pensioner treatment (65+ years) • £30.00
Home visit (1 person) • £38.00*
Home visit (2 person) • £66.00*
Othortics • £40.00+
Missed appointments will incur full fee
* Home visit inclusive of routine treatment
* Additional fee may be incurred for excessive hard skin removal or gross nail reductions at principle chiropodist discretion
Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Home visit areas
Tamworth, Polesworth, Kingsbury, Lichfield, Measham and Dordon
Accepted cards


Available treatments
Corns, Callouses & Hard Skin
In growing and problem nails
Diabetic foot care
Off the shelf insoles
Bio Mechanical examination for foot and lower limb and foot pain

Contact us

01827 62079
Pembi Chase, 11b Victoria Road, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 7HS